US Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

President Trump asks FBI to reopen investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's background

Washington DC, Sept.28.– It was another dramatic day on Capitol Hill as Brett Kavanaugh advanced one step closer to taking a seat on the Supreme Court.

During a nail biting hearing Friday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 to Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., speaks before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing asking about a further investigationadvance Kavanaugh’s nomination to a full floor vote. 

It all came down to Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, who said he would vote ‘YES’ if the full floor vote could be delayed for a week pending an investigation.

Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said he would consider it and immediately called for a vote.

The vote came just hours after Kavanaugh and his accuser testified about accusations made from an incident more than 30-years ago.

“Whatever happened, happened 40-years ago and that’s just a fact,” stated Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) ...

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