UN Security Council to hold ministerial meeting on North Korea

UN Security Council votes on more sanctions against North Korea United Nations, Dec.1 (AP).– Japan announced Friday it will host a ministerial meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Dec. 15 focused on finding peaceful ways to pressure North Korea to halt its nuclear and ballistic missile tests and denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

Japan's U.N. Ambassador Koro Bessho told a news conference that more must be done beyond the "very robust" sanctions that the council has already imposed targeting the financing and materials for Kim Jong Un's nuclear and missile programs.

Most recent NKorea missile capable of reaching continental United StatesBessho, who is this month's council president, said members are discussing a "product" from the ministerial meeting, but it isn't clear whether it might be a statement or a resolution.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to brief the council, and U.S. officials say Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is likely to attend. Bessho said Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Kono will chair the meeting and several ministers and deputy ministers, whom he refused to name, are also expected ...

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