Ukraine: Pope Offers Praise and Prayers

Addresses Community of the Pontifical Ukrainian College of Saint Josaphat in Rome

Vatican City, Nov. 9.– Noting the wounds of war and violence, Pope Francis on November 9, 2017, encouraged the community of the Pontifical Ukrainian College of Saint Josaphat in Rome, during an audience in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace.

“In particular, experienced in your dear Ukrainian Nation, from which you come and to which you will return at the end of your studies in Rome, is the tragedy of war, which generates great sufferings, especially in the areas involved, made even more vulnerable by the rigors of the coming winter,” the Holy Father lamented. “And the aspiration to justice and peace is strong, which bans every form of abuse, social or political corruption, reality of which the poor always bear the cost.”

Francis encouraged the seminarians: “May God sustain and encourage those that are committed to bring about an ever more just and solidary society. May they be actively supported by the concrete commitment of the Churches, of believers and of all persons of good will.”

The Holy Father’s Address

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Christ be praised! [in Ukrainian] I greet Cardinal Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, and His Excellency Monsignor Vasil’, Secretary, who is a former student of the College: my heartfelt thanks to the Rector for his introductory words.

This meeting of ours happens 85 years after the ...

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