U.S. to Suspend Obligations Under 1987 Nuclear Treaty With Russia

America’s exit sets up the development of new missiles to counter China’s military.

  • U.S. to Suspend Obligations Under 1987 Nuclear Treaty With Russia

Washington DC, Feb 1.– The Trump administration announced Friday that Mike Pompeo announcing suspension of 1987 Treatythe United States will formally begin the process of withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the Cold War-era arms control accord with Russia.

The declaration by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been expected for months. He said the U.S. will suspend its obligations under the 1987 INF treaty as of Saturday and pull out in six months if Russia isn't deemed to be in compliance.

"For years, Russia has violated the terms of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty without remorse," Pompeo said in Washington.

"To this day," he added, "Russia remains in material breach of its treaty obligations not to produce, possess or flight test a ground-launched intermediate range cruise missile system with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers [about 300 to 3,400 miles]."

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