Turkey rounds up Erdogan 'rivals'

  • Turkish police detains supporters of Erdogan rival Gulen in raids
  • 44 people have been arrested 'suspected' of having links to an exiled Islamic cleric accused of seeking to overthrow the government  Gulen (l) vs Erdogan (r)

Ankara, Nov.4.─ Top bureaucrats and police officers were among those held in a crackdown on supporters of Fethullah Gulen, the state-run Anadolu agency said.

Mr Gulen is a rival of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose AK party regained its majority in Sunday's election.

European observers said violence and media restrictions marred the polls.

On Tuesday, left-wing magazine Nokta said two of its editors had been charged with plotting a coup in the government's latest move against opposition media outlets.

Cevheri Guven and Murat Capan were arrested over a magazine cover criticising the election results that read: "The start of civil war in Turkey" ...

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