The G7 summit: No deal on climate change!

Group of 7 Meeting Ends Without Agreement on environmental issues

Taormina, Italy; May 27 (AP).─ A summit of the leaders of the world's wealthiest democracies has ended without a unanimous agreement on climate change, as the Trump administration plans to take more time to say whether the U.S. is going to remain in the Paris climate deal.

The other six powers in the Group of Seven have agreed to stick with their previous commitment to implement that Paris deal to rein in greenhouse gases to fight climate change. The final G-7 statement expresses "understanding" for the U.S. review process.

The G-7 leaders also cut a compromise deal to acknowledge Trump's stance on trade. They kept the ban on protectionism from previous G-7 statements, but included a statement Saturday that they will "stand firm against all unfair trade practices."

Climate and trade were sticking points at the two-day summit in Taormina, Sicily. The leaders found agreement on other points, such as backing closer cooperation against terrorism in the wake of the concert bombing in Manchester that killed 22 people.

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