The European Union's approach to Cuba

Is it reasonable?

Brussels, Sept. 13 (– The recent visit to Cuba of Federica Mogherini, in her character as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and EU-Cuba meeting in HavanaSecurity Policy, has been widely disseminated in the world press, noting it as a diplomatic success in formalizing normal relations with the Cuban dictatorship.

On the other hand, an official note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain "reiterate its full support for the current framework of relations between the European Union and Cuba". In addition to this full support for the repressive government led by Díaz Canel and Raúl Castro, the Spanish socialist government reaffirms in this release its conviction about the "good state of the bilateeral relations and the will of both parties to deepen them in all their dimensions". The fact is that the Cuban Foreign Minister and the Spanish Secretary of State for International Cooperation confirmed the willingness to "continue strengthening bilateral relations based on mutual respect and confidence building."

This “cordial meeting” took place on the eve after the holding in Havana of the Second Cuba-European Union Joint Council, in which the Caribbean country and the community bloc reviewed the progress of the Agreement on Political Dialogue and Cooperation and began a new cycle in renewed bilateral relations.

In the meantime, both sources turned a deaf ear to Cuban reality and to testimonial reports from many witnesses, some severely punished for disclosing the facts and the many human rights violations. During the official visit of Ms. Mogherini in representation of the European Union, more than 161 detentions took place, new political prisoners, tortures, and 28 prosecuted. While this repression was taking place, Ms. Federica Mogherini and the Spanish government were sending twitts praising how extraordinarily successful was her visit and congratuling themselves for the renewed good relations of Cuba with the European Union.

Ms. Mogherini main concern was to shield European corporations from US sanctions and side with the Cuban government against US interests. On the other hand, the Spanish Government went one step beyond declaring that: "The Secretary of State has also met with members of Cuba civil society with whom he has discussed the recent evolution of the situacion in the country". However, neither the Spanish Secretary of State nor Ms. Mogherini met anyone from the oposition inside Cuba in order to be able to contrast the official views with those of the Cuban people. They only met with representatives of some "non-governmental organizations" which are actually institutions created by the Cuban government itself and kept under their control or within the structural realm of the Communist Party.

These European circles are notable for their disdain for the Cuban tragedy and their contempt for democratic forces and human rights defenders who peacefully face a repressive regime that has extended its yoke on Cuba for the past 60 years. 

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