The different faces of direct democracy

Switzerland has the strongest direct democracy in the world but it is not unique as the example of Uruguay in Latin America shows. In eastern Europe, on the other hand, this political system is under pressure, a recent international conference in Germany has heard.

Prof. Pállinger says direct democracy in Hungary has been hjiacked by political parties Zurich, Mar.24.– The Swiss are said to be proud of their democracy. Indeed, no other country in the world offers a similar number of options for political participation and these citizen’s rights are used frequently.

With its more than 720 nationwide votes over the past 150 years, Switzerland is way ahead of any other country.

Yet there is no reason for Switzerland to fall into the trap of complacency.

Votes take place in many other countries although for quite different reasons as an international expert meeting on Political Culture and Active Citizenship external link in Wuppertal, Germany, earlier this month showed.

Crushed hopes

There have been high hopes for more democracyin eastern Europe, but many of the former Soviet states in the region struggled on their way to a stable democratic system ...

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