Russia Collusion Probe is FBI ‘Corruption’ at its Worst, argues Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch

Tom FittonFitton said the “unelected bureaucracy” in the Justice Department and the FBI — in some cases, political appointees of the Obama administration, were “breaking the rules to bring down a duly-elected president,” and violating laws “beyond what Richard Nixon ever contemplated.”

“Nothing in recent American history compare ..." [ Full text

Pres. Donald Trump & former FBI Director James Comey Washington DC, Jan.21.– House Republicans spent the end of the workweek telling everyone who would listen that the American people must be allowed to see a top-secret four-page document that could bring an end to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 elections.

One thing about that document: Republican staffers wrote it.

The memo Republican staffers compiled reveals information that is “absolutely shocking,” Mueller, Obama & Comey“sickening,” “jaw-dropping” and “worse than Watergate,” GOP members of Congress said Thursday and Friday. The document could send government officials to jail, one congressman said. “Is this happening in America or is this the KGB?” asked another.

Even the most plugged-in news consumer could be forgiven for thinking the classified memo is an executive branch document that exposes wrongdoing within the Justice Department and the FBI. It isn’t.

The document, which alleges abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the FBI’s quiet counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in the final months of the 2016 election, was actually compiled by Republican staffers on the House Intelligence Committee ...

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