Police concerned about increased organized crime in Norway

  • The National Criminal Investigation Service’s (Kripos) leader, Eivind Borge, and Einar Aas of Oslo Police, say it’s too easy for organised crime gangs to establish themselves in Norway  Gangs in formerly safe Norway
  • Law enforcement services in Norway are provided by the country’s single national police force called “Politi”, with a strength of 11,000 officers for a population of 5 million

Oslo, May 16. ‘In recent years, we’ve seen examples of criminal networks attracting professional participants such as doctors, lawyers and accountants. Criminals use these professionals to facilitate crime. In this way, criminal influence is exerted in Norwegian society’, said the head of the Tactical Investigation Department of Kripos, police inspector Eivind Borge, to Dagbladet newspaper.

His view was endorsed by the head of the Organised Crime Section in the Oslo Police District, police inspector Einar Aas.

‘Previously, criminals kept to themselves. Now we see criminals taking steps to become integrated into society. There is a clear tendency for criminals trying to become part of the legal community while simultaneously conducting criminal activities,’ said Borge ...

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