PH told to make good on demands to strengthen democracy in Malaysia

El Pakatan Harapan (malayo for: Pact of Hope)
abreviated as PH, is a left-center electoral coalition
founded in September 2015.

The good governance list from civil society leaders is topped by public access to information and the declaration of assets by politicians before taking office.

Petaling Jaya, Mar.5.– A group of civil society leaders today presented a memorandum of demands to Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), urging the opposition to fulfil them if it wins the 14th general election (GE14).

Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) director Cynthia Gabriel said the NGOs had been working for six to seven months on good governance agendas for political parties to commit to before GE14.

The demands, she said, comprised five points topped by public access to information.

“This is a fundamental issue that is stifled by the Official Secrets Act. This overwhelms everything in terms of government information.

“We need access to information to become informed citizens. We want PH to commit to enacting a federal freedom of information law,” she said during a press conference at the PPBM headquarters here.

The second point on the list was making it compulsory for politicians to declare their assets ...

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