Orbital ATK among finalists for new Air Force rocket system

Orbital ATK is developing the Next Generation Launch system for the U.S. Air Force. The system is a new American lineup of intermediate- and large-class space launch rocket vehicles capable of use for national security missions, as well as science and commercial payloads for other customers.  SpaceX Falcon Heavy

Promontory, Mar.11.– Orbital ATK is vying to build the latest generation of rockets for the U.S. Air Force.

The Virginia-based company, with operations in Box Elder County, is working on the development of what is being called the Next Generation Launch system — a new American lineup of intermediate- and large-class rockets capable of launching the full range of national security missions required by the Air Force, as well as science and commercial payloads for other customers, according to the Orbital ATK website.

The company is among several finalists competing to become the supplier of the vehicles that will be used to send military satellites into orbit, explained ATK Orbital spokeswoman Kay Anderson.

"We're in full-on development of a rocket," she said. "We're making the (brand new) rocket motors here at Promontory. We're also making the strap-on motors that have been used on (previous generation) rockets."

The Air Force will narrow the field to two designs by this summer ...

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