Israel close to war with Hamas

After a storm of rockers over Israel from Gaza,
the latest ceasefire will not last unless conditions in Gaza improve.

Cairo, May 9.– It should have been a celebratory weekend. Israelis were getting ready to mark their 71st Two of the rockets launched from Gazaindependence day. In Gaza 2m Palestinians were making final preparations for the month-long Ramadan holiday, which began on May 6th. And then the rockets and bombs started falling.

Residents on both sides spent the weekend cowering under rocket fire and air strikes. Four Israelis were killed, the first civilians to die in fighting with Gaza since a brief but brutal war in 2014. On the Palestinian side 27 people, a mix of militants and civilians, died. As in previous bouts of conflict, the fighting ended with a truce brokered by Egypt, Qatar and the un. And, as before, no one expects it to last.

Such has been the pattern since March 2018, when residents of Gaza began holding regular protests at the barrier separating their enclave from Israel. The protests are meant to call attention to the dire economic situation in the territory, which is blockaded by Israel and Egypt, with only essential supplies allowed in. These restrictions have been in place since 2007 when Hamas, a militant Islamist group, took power. Tensions have risen over the past year, with exchanges of fire between Israel and Hamas every few months.

This time the spark was an attack on an Israeli army jeep patrolling the boundary by Islamic Jihad, another militant group, that wounded two soldiers ...

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