Iraqi Constitution was never fully implemented.– Tillerson

Although both Erbil and Baghdad believe their differences can be resolved through dialogue, the negotiations have yet to begin.   Rex Tillerson

Erbil, Dec.13.– The US will support the de-escalation of tensions between Erbil-Baghdad and help with the full implementation of the Iraqi Constitution, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday.

“The policy has always been a unified Iraq. And as you know, the independence referendum which was undertaken by the Kurdish Regional Authorities a few months back was disruptive to that unity,” he said on Tuesday at the Atlantic Council-Korea Foundation Forum.

The US was one of the major nations to oppose the referendum held in the Kurdistan Region on Sep. 25 which saw 93 percent of voters favoring secession from Iraq.Mosul is back under Iraqi control since early November

Since the independence vote, ties between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Government of Iraq have considerably deteriorated, with Baghdad imposing collective punitive measures on the region as well as taking Kirkuk and other disputed territories under the KRG’s administration through the use of military force ...

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