Guatemala Imposes State of Siege in Eastern Towns

President Otto Pérez Molina Guatemala City, May 5.─ President Otto Perez Molina (photo) imposed a state of siege on four municipalities in the eastern part of the country following the abduction of 23 police officers and the killing of another cop, the Guatemalan government said Thursday.

The measure allows authorities to restrict mobility and public gatherings for the next 30 days in San Rafael Las Flores and Castillas, Santa Rosa province; and Xelajpan and Maraquescuintla, Jalapa.

The government decided to act after a police officer was killed on a mission to rescue 23 of his comrades taken hostage Monday by residents in San Rafael Las Flores during a protest over their town's being denied part of the expected economic bounty from the San Rafael silver mine, presidential spokesman Francisco Cuevas told Efe ...

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