‘Disastrous power vacuum’ if leader of African National Congress (ANC), President Zuma, is removed

Johannesburg, June 4.─ A power vacuum at the top of the ANC would plunge the party into chaos, and with it the country, if President Jacob Zuma was removed, warned two political analysts and a member of the ANC’s national executive committee.  

As the country reels from the impact of the Gupta email leaks this week, and with yet another vote of no confidence pending for Parliament, constitutional law expert Shadrack Gutto said unseating the president before the ANC’s December conference would unleash forces that no one may be able to contain.

Political analyst Thabani Khumalo agreed. “If he is removed those aligned to him will revolt, and if he is removed internally we could see the ANC splinter. Remember, he still enjoys support on the ground.”

Removing Zuma would mean the cabinet, including deputy ministers, would have to resign. “Added to this is that those who are ‘ready to die for Zuma’ would create chaos, which would be very sad for the country. His recall could also ignite tribal conflict because some have supported him based on tribal loyalties,” he said ...

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