Czech Prime Minister says he dislikes U.N. migration pact, wants to pull out

Czech Prime Minister Andrej BabisPrague, Nov. 1 (Reuters).– Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Thursday he wanted to pull the Czech Republic out of a United Nations migration agreement and would discuss this with his governing coalition partner.

Babis expressed his dislike of the pact a day after Austria said it would follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of the U.N. pact over concerns that it would blur the line between legal and illegal migration.

A minister in Poland’s arch-conservative government has also recommended his country quit the agreement.

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was approved in July by all 193 U.N. member nations except U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration, which backed out last year. The pact is due to be signed next month in Morocco ...

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