Czech President Zeman: 'Duka removes barriers between church and state'

Czech President Milos Zeman sent a letter to Pope Francis praising the impact Cardinal Cardinal Dominik DukaDominik Duka has had on removing barriers between the state and the church, whose copy CTK has received from Zeman's spokesman Jiri Ovcacek.

Prague, Mar.1 (CTK).– Czech President Milos Zeman sent a letter to Pope Francis praising the impact Cardinal Dominik Duka has had on removing barriers between the state and the church, whose copy CTK has received from Zeman's spokesman Jiri Ovcacek.

A few days ago, Zeman said on TV Barrandov he wanted to ask the Pope to prolong Duka's mandate, responding to a letter by several Czech Catholic activists who criticised Duka and asked the Pope not to prolong his mandate.

The activists criticised Duka for allegedly supporting nationalism and the extreme right, such as when he refused solidarity with refugees at the St Wenceslas procession in September 2017 or in a letter of congratulations to the populist Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) of Tomio Okamura.

Zeman, on the other hand, said Duka was an highly respectable member of the Catholic church in the Czech Republic, who was helping to break the barriers between the state and church ...

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