Brexit: Corbyn's position 'in peril' if he 'betrays' Labour over second referendum

'You can only drive a wedge so far between yourself and the people who put you in that position', Clive Lewis Clive Lewis (left) - Jeremy Corbyn (right)tells his leader.

London, May 20.– Jeremy Corbyn will plunge his own position into jeopardy if he “betrays” Labour supporters by refusing to push for a further Brexit referendum, a shadow minister has said, in an outspoken interview.

Clive Lewis warned Mr Corbyn’s leadership would be “in peril” if he failed to fully support a Final Say public vote because the activists who “put you in that position” could turn against him.

“You can only drive a wedge so far between yourself and the people who put you in that position before your opponents start looking at their options,” the shadow Treasury minister told The Independent.

Mr Lewis warned Labour was “haemorrhaging” support from Remain voters and attacked senior party figures ...

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Note: Remain voters are those advocating for the UK to remain in the European Union.

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