"Basis for the Future" in Cuba submitted to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe asking for support

Outstanding Cuban personalities in exile presented in Europe the document  "Basis for the future of Cuba: 2018-2030" that, accompanied by a "Manifesto of Social Justice for the Cuban future" (both are already circulating in the island), were elaborated with the specific purpose of posing a viable and coherent alternative to the regrettable economic policy of the current regime, through a response to the plans and projects that will extend to 2030 as they were approved by the National Assembly last May and June in Havana.  

Miami, Feb. 2.– The workshop held under the auspices of the Participatory Democracy Cultural Initiative to combine the efforts made from various sources in a think-tank devoted to the analysis of these topics was held on November 4th, 2017 at the Law School of the International University of Florida (FIU), thus achieving both consensual documents.

According to its organizers, sponsors and editors, "Democracy is the sum of the will of the people governed by a constitutional consensus and a government promoting law and order with full respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its citizens. Every government in democracy is responsible for the well-beign of its people. With these efforts we are leaving traces and sowing seeds of freedom, confident that they will germinate in an authentic democracy in the Cuba of the future, for the sake of Democracy in the whole world".

To this end, they have presented a letter to His Excellency Mr. Pavel Telička, Vice-President of the European Parliament, with a copy to Federica Mogherini, European Union High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, with the request that they submit the documents prepared in response to the plans of the Cuban government to H.E. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and all the other members of the European Union. In addition, these documents are being widely distributed in Cuba.

The letter copied below, delivered by Pedro Campos, one of the authors of "Basis for the Future", aspires to awaken –with the attached documents– the consciences of democracy loving people and authorities so that the world knows the viable alternatives available, such as the one offered by this initiative, which would open the door to a new era of well-being and progress in a Cuba where democracy would be established by peaceful means in the immediate future and where such projects could be openly submitted to public debate to seek the Sovereign decisions of the Cuban people. 

January 30, 2018

European Parliament
Mr. Pavel Telička, Vice-President
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel

H.E. Pavel Telička,

A group of academics, and pro-Democracy leaders in exile worked last year by consensus a common answer to the economic and social strategies approved by the Cuban Government, and the Cuban Communist Party for Cuba until the year 2030. This deed-document “Basis for the Future” that today we are offering to your consideration is a notice of intent, and a compromise with our future and our Nation.

Our objective is to get this document to His Excellency Donald Tusk as President of the European Council, and through him to all members of the European Union, with the kind endorsement of your good offices.  The Official economic and social strategies announced last year by the Cuban Government are the continuation of a collapsed economy, the cessation of progress, and the burial of democracy for all Cubans in the obscurantist process sponsored by the Castro regime and the Communist system in Cuba. 

We must procure changes through legal and civil actions by promoting fundamental freedoms. We are determined to achieve it. Our mission is to create strategies for the Cuban government to open a new era for all Cubans, and to help them to dissociate before is too late from the outdated political thought after Raul Castro retires from his position as head of state early on 2018.  

This is a last notice.

The participants in the preparation, discussion and approval of the document:

Original idea: Marta Menor. Coordinator: Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas. Editors: Elias Amor Bravo, Horacio Espino Bárzaga, Antonio Llaca, Leonel Morejón Almagro and Pedro Campos. Moderator: Helio J. González. Analysts and other contributors:  Pedro L. Guerra Bueno, René Hernández Bequet, Juan José López Díaz, Amado Lorenzo Martínez, Roberto Ruiz Casas and Adela Soto.

c./ Federica Mogherini
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and  Security Policy
Vice-President of the European Commission in the Juncker Commission

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