A real nuclear threat - North Korea’s Defector Speaks

According to inteligence reports
North Korea has ten nuclear warheads
and it is building more.
It is still developing ballistic missiles
capable of delivering them.
Analysts believe that North Korea
will be able to deliver
intercontinental nuclear warheads
by the end of 2018 or early 2019.

Pyongyang won't give up its nuclear warfare program   Thae Yong-ho

Seoul, Dec.27.─ Thae Yong-ho, who defected to South Korea in August while serving as a minister at North Korea's embassy in London, warned at a press conference in Seoul on Tuesday that North Korea will accelerate its nuclear program in 2017, that China won’t stop it, and that international bribes won’t induce dictator Kim Jong Un to abandon nuclear weapons. This is notable because until this summer Mr. Thae was a senior diplomat—for North Korea.

His defection in London, where he was Pyongyang’s longtime deputy ambassador, offers rare insights into North Korean thinking, as no one so senior is known to have defected since the 1990s. His account of officials living “like slaves,” under surveillance with low pay, suggests that even elites are unhappy with Kim’s regime.

Mr. Thae’s testimony also underscores the gravity of the North Korean threat. “As long as Kim Jong Un is in power, North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons, even if it’s offered $1 trillion or $10 trillion in rewards,” Mr. Thae said in his first public remarks ...

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