What the election result tells us about Italy's north-south divide

The Italian election was a rejection of traditional left and right parties in both the north and south of the country -- but for different reasons, experts said.
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Rome, Mar.6 (AFP).– The far-right League party conquered the north, worried about the rise in immigration, while the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) took the south where concerns about the economy dominate.

"In the south, the Five Star vote was a protest of a part of the country that feels neglected as the economic recovery is only being felt in the north," said Roberto D'Alimonte, politics professor at Rome's Luiss university.

"We can't be surprised that southern regions, where youth unemployment has spiked and traditional parties have failed to resolve the problem, voted massively in favour of a movement that expresses resentment and anger."

Disillusionment had already made itself felt in a constitutional referendum in 2016 in which southern Italy voted massively against both the proposed reform and then prime minister Matteo Renzi's centre-left government...

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