‘Parliaments need to move closer to the people’ [A view from Cyprus]

Aug.19.– There is strong need for more vigorous efforts to bring parliament closer to the people, especially the young and women, House President Demetris Syllouris believes, saying new information technology creates opportunities for more collaboration between parliaments and the people.

Syllouris will be one of five speakers that submitted a report to the 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, held every five years. The Virtual Meeting is being held on Wednesday and Thursday on the theme of ‘Parliamentary leadership for more effective multilateralism that delivers peace and sustainable development for the people and planet’.

In his report, Democracy and the changing role of parliament in the 21st century, Syllouris noted the trend for lower voter turnout in elections and argued that “fostering an interactive relationship with the public requires parliaments to introduce initiatives which encourage participatory democracy and bolster pluralism.”

The digital age could help this, as “internet influences democracy in multiple ways.” According to the House Speaker, positive effects included ...

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