Any government that checks professional and organised crime, Maoists, tax evaders and corruption can be credited with good governance. 
Participatory Democracy envisages the following… Legal recognition for civil society in lawmaking process.
New Delhi, Oct.15.– Former President Pranab Mukherjee once made the following observations during his lifetime.
1)Successful Democracy does not necessarily involve successful governance (on the eve of Independence Day 2013);
2)The fight against poverty is far from over;
3) We must rediscover the virtue of self-scrutiny;
4)We need to prevent wastage on our precious resources.
In the light of his above observations, we need to scrutinise whether Indian democratic experiment of the last 7 decades has been ideal and successful.
Ours is basically an electoral democracy like the rest of the models across the globe. Some are successful, others are a failure. We therefore need to evolve our electoral democracy into a participatory democracy where the voice of the civil society is heard and respected. Civil society include the media.
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