Democracia Participativa Noticias / News
El grupo islamista palestino aseguró que disparó 5.000 cohetes en 20 minutos. En respuesta, Israel atacó objetivos en la Franja de Gaza. "Estamos en guerra", expresó el primer israelí ministro Benjamín Netanyahu. Hamás lanza operación militar sorpresa en Israel. Tel Aviv, Oct.7 (Reuters). –...


Democracia Participativa Headlines
Washington DC, July 21 (DPnet). – President Joe Biden has suspended his reelection campaign, sparking a political firestorm regarding who should replace him mere months before voters head to the ballot box. “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president,” Biden wrote in a...

Navegando / Browsing...

‘If We Go Ahead on This Everyone Will Die’ Warns AI Expert Calling for Absolute Shutdown
These considerations sound like a joke, but they are not! March 31. – Human beings are not ready for a powerful AI under present conditions or even in the “foreseeable future,” stated a foremost expert in the field, adding that the recent open letter calling for a six-month moratorium on...
Corrupt Latin Americans hire Eliminalia, the Spanish company that launders reputations on the web
“ Files show how Eliminalia worked for scammers, spyware companies, torturers, convicted criminals, corrupt politicians, and others in the global underworld to hide information of public interest ”.– Forbidden Stories The company persecutes the media and journalists and even manipulates the...
Twitter Blue: Elon Musk desata el caos con los verificados falsos
Con la entrada de Musk llega el descontrol Después de que el hombre más rico del mundo, Elon Musk, comprara la compañía por valor de 44.000 millones de dólares, la empresa ha entrado en una situación de caos, despidos masivos y cambios repentinos en el modelo de negocio de la compañía. El magnate...
Internet shutdowns: trends, causes, legal implications and impacts on a range of human rights
Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/50/55). The present report is aimed at shedding much-needed light on the phenomenon of Internet shutdowns. Geneva, June 21 Human Rights Council Fiftieth session Agenda items 2 and 3 Annual report of the United...
The ominous Twitter's censorship – Elon Musk to the rescue?
On the basis of alleged fake news and/or misinformation, Twitter has banned content and removed users from their services. Fake news and misinformation rules, on the other hand, appear to be a minefield. Twitter has established precedents where firms supported by private wealth can arbitrate what...
50 Key Statistics About Freedom of the Internet Around the World
Sept. 6 (PIA Research Team). – Almost every part of our everyday lives is closely connected to the internet – we depend on it for communication, entertainment, information, running our households, even running our cars. Not everyone in the world has access to the same features and content on the...
Usemos fuentes de información confiables en la Red
Se estima que pasan de 4 millones los pedidos introducidos en Google en forma de palabras o frases en todos los idiomas y los resultados que ofrece ese medio es uno de los que mayor influencia tiene en el mundo en cuestiones económicas, comerciales y políticas. Los resultados se basan en...
What we know about the "unprecedented" cyberattack that hit the United States
Around the world, thousands of companies and institutions must verify if they are using a trick version of the software of the Texas company SolarWinds, at the heart of a cyberattack against several American government agencies. Paris, Dec. 19. – A large-scale cyberattack had struck several...

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A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy