Dominican Institution Responds to UN Expert’s Statements on Haitian immigrants' human rights

Duartian Institute declares on Haitian immigration Santo Domingo, June 30.– The Duartian Institute (Instituto Duartiano) of the Dominican Republic today referred to the request made by Mr. William O'Neill, an independent expert of the United Nations (UN), on the human rights situation in Haiti.

According to the Caribbean institution, the statement does not apply to the Dominican Republic. "Because for us, the deportations of undocumented and illegal Haitians are part of an action in extremis in legitimate defense of its existence as a sovereign nation," the organization said in a statement.

It also indicated that the UN, the organization for which Mr. O'Neill works, constitutes a determining part of the accompaniment that Haiti requires to resolve the difficult situation it is experiencing.

"The repatriations that are made from Dominican territory are extremely timid if we compare the massive and overflowing presence of nationals from the neighboring country with the figures announced by the General Directorate of Migration, which, by their number, lack significance, and, in any case, they have been respecting due process, human dignity and ensuring the safety of the procedure," he said.

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