The drama ends; the task begins in Nigeria

Nigeria surely heaved a heavy sigh of relief with the affirmation of the election of President Bola Tinubu by the Supreme Court …

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu Abuja, Oct.31.– Our country surely heaved a heavy sigh of relief with the affirmation of the election of President Bola Tinubu by the Supreme Court of Nigeria on October 26. The tension has gone the way of a pierced balloon; the anxiety on his part and on the part of his challengers, has similarly evaporated, leaving the victor to savor his victory and the losers to bite their nails, wondering what is left of their war chest. It is life imitating life, of course.

All the drama has ended. The swords, I should hope, have been sheathed; the tsunami of public sentiments has been downgraded to a cool flood; the lucky lawyers have put their law books back on the shelves and are doing what comes naturally to the suddenly loaded, to wit, laugh all the way to the banks.

It had been high drama since Tinubu’s nomination as the APC presidential candidate last year; what with the absurd drama of shopping for the support of Christians for his Muslim-Muslim ticket with some wretched and unholy men gathered from an Abuja motor park and attired in the borrowed robes of bishops for a fee.

The president must now face the mountain, alone, all alone, in trying to remake our country in a new image of focused and purposeful leadership and show that he has the capacity to tame our unruly economy, bring urgent succor to the people to quieten their rumbling stomachs, untie our national currency to the apron strings of the dollar, put the cost of fuel within our reach and make us all safe wherever we may be in our dear country.

For his sake, for our sake and for the sake of our country, we should not just wish him well but more importantly heed his call to join him in the task ahead of him and of our country. Our country deserves a break.

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