End of the double Lockdown

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End of the double Lockdown

14 May 2020 21:39
For the past couple of months, Americans have been living under two lockdowns. The authorities insist that the first of the two–involving executive orders that citizens “shelter in place”or “self-isolate,” that businesses close their doors and furlough their staffs, etc.–is all about controlling the pandemic. The other, more recent one is the conspiracy of silence surrounding the role Barack Obama’s White House, the FBI, and the federal intelligence agencies played in entrapping General Flynn as part of the conspiracy to “prove” collusion between Donald Trump, his presidential campaign, and the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and send Mr. Trump off to the White House.

This lockdown of the truth by American officials in high places, including a former President and his Vice-President, is suddenly–and very unexpectedly—coming to an end, simultaneously with the economic one. A majority of Americans appear to be delighted by the lifting of both lockdowns. Liberals in government, the governors’ mansions, and the U.S. House of Representatives, however, are highly displeased. So, especially, are the 300,000-odd Obama Alumni, to whom Barack Obama recently expressed his angry contempt for Attorney General Barr, whom he accused of promoting lawlessness by allowing the Department of Justice to drop the charges cooked up by Some of the (Ex-) President’s Men against a distinguished American general. Though Obama didn’t say so, it’s probably a safe bet that he and his loyal Three Hundred Thousand are equally opposed to allowing the country to open itself for business again. Democratic politicians, and other liberals, are never sorry for the chance to demonstrate for hundreds of millions of “ordinary” people (the Flyovers, the Redcaps, and all the tens of millions of other Deplorables) the potential authority they have to exert direct mass control over them and make their lives miserable, even if they haven’t exercised it yet. It’s good training after all, a sort of national emergency military drill, for everyone concerned—the minority who give the orders, the majority who carry them out under dire penalty of the New Revised U. S. Constitution—so that, come the Revolution, everyone knows his duty and is prepared to fulfill it; much as the German people did when Hitler, having carefully prepared the nation and its institutions to that end for thirteen years, came to power at last in 1933. I’m presently reading William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich; a story that holds a multitude of lessons for the United States today, though not the ones liberals would take from it. The behavior that went on at the White House, the FBI, and elsewhere in the Federal government at the end of President Obama’s administration–and since–is precisely the kind that in the past has preceded the collapse of free societies and the advent of murderous tyranny. Before America becomes Amerika, it must be stopped dead in its tracks.

Of course, the current situation need not turn out like that. More probably, the 30 million unemployed (at last count) among the American public will emerge from their social and economic lockdown either to retake, within six months or a year, their old jobs, or find new ones in a revitalized and rebuilding economy that will help to forestall widespread public anger and mass discontent . Perhaps too, the criminal members of the political elite who willfully broke federal and other law to overturn the results of a democratic election and paralyze the American political system until they could get their way the next time around will be dragged from their Chamber of Lies and Deceit, given fair trials, convicted of their crimes, and sent directly into a different sort of lockdown, from which they will not be released before they have paid their debt to the society that had entrusted them with so much, including the truth.

Judge Sullivan needs to step out of the way before he’s pushed out of it.
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