Hezbollah on the US Southern Border?

  • Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas
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Hezbollah on the US Southern Border?

13 Sep 2010 18:12
U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, Co-chair of the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus, penned an op-ed in The Washington Times recently regarding the presence of Hezbollah on the US southern border.

She also posted a short, 2:30 min. video that I encourage my readers to view and forward to your friends and family.
Brigitte Gabriel -a Lebanese American journalist & author who says Islam keeps Arab countries backward and teaches terrorism- has been warning the United States of America for some time now that Hezbollah is infiltrating its southern border and establishing terror cells inside the U.S.

This threat of Hezbollah terrorism coming across the US southern border continues to grow despite assurances by Department of Homeland Security director Janet Napolitano that such threat does not exist. She has ignored calls for a task force to investigate it since last June.

Nevertheless, an indictment was handed down Aug. 30 by the Southern District Court of New York that shows a connection between Hezbollah - the proxy army of Iran and a designated terrorist organization - and the drug cartels that violently plague the U.S.-Mexico border.

In short, a well-known international arms dealer was trying to orchestrate an arms-for-drugs deal in which cocaine from FARC - the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which works with Mexican drug cartels to take cocaine into America - would be traded for thousands of weapons housed by a Hezbollah operative in Mexico.

This is just the most recent incident in which it's clear that Hezbollah have a presence in Mexico and along our southern border. But there have been more incidents.

There is evidence of Hezbollah's cooperation with countries across South America, particularly the recently established close relationship between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the increase in Iranian nationals traveling through Venezuela to receive false documents, which they might use to cross into the United States.

Michael Braun, a former Drug Enforcement Administration chief of operations, has even been quoted as saying, "Hezbollah relies on the same criminal weapons smugglers, document traffickers and transportation experts as the drug cartels. ... They work together; they rely on the same shadow facilitators. One way or another, they are all connected."

Jameel Nasr, a Mexican national with ties to Hezbollah in Lebanon, "entrusted with forming a base in South America and the United States to carry out operations against Israeli and Western targets," was arrested by the Mexican government early in August. Days later, a cell-phone-detonated car bomb - the first of its kind reported used by Mexican drug cartels - was deployed just across the U.S.-Mexico border in Juarez. On Aug. 27, another car bomb exploded in a U.S.-Mexico border state.

This information has been submitted by US Rep. Sue Myrick to the Department of Homeland Security but she has received no answer to date.
  • Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas
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Re: Re:Hezbollah on the US Southern Border?

08 Oct 2010 21:04
The connection of Hezbollah with the Colombian guerrillas (FARC) has been further complicated during the past few months by revelations of collaboration between the FARC and the basque terrorist organization known as ETA. The Spanish government has also uncovered an important degree of official Venezuelan government collaboration with ETA in matters of training, resources and sanctuary.

President Chavez denies the charges in spite of the militant witnesses who have confessed. However, he has not denied his government open collaboration with Hezbollah and the Iranian government, specially on a recent trip of Ahmadinejad to Venezuela. Iran is a well known supporter of Hezbollah's terrorist activities in the Middle East and in other parts of the World.

The connections are evident among all these anti-democratic forces. They are a real threat to democracy and freedom.
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Re: Re:Hezbollah on the US Southern Border?

11 Oct 2010 18:01
Aleida Guevara, the oldest among Ché Guevara's children, met Sheikh Naim Kassem, Hezbollah's number 2 man during a visit to southern Lebanon on Sunday, October 10. They discussed "the importance of people's armed resistance against foreign occupation" according to a newscast aired by Hezbollah, a movement devoted to the destruction of Israel and the submission of "infidels" all over the World. “Cooperation among forces devoted to freedom all over the World would be enough to defeat the arrogant powers", declared Sheikh Kassem, referring to the United States, a country classifying his organization as "terrorist".

On Friday, October 8, Aleida Guevara, 49, who considers herself to be a “Marxist”, visited a local chieftain of Hezbollah near the Israeli border and received an oil painting showing her father and a prominent Shiite leader -Imad Mughniyeh- who was on the "most wanted" Interpol list until his death on 2008.

Ché Guevara's daughter is very active in these runabouts. Last Nov. 2009 she visited Algeria with the special task to meet the President of the Polisario Front, a guerrilla movement waging war against Morocco to grab de disputed territory of Western Sahara. During her visit she also visited "Cuban collaborators" at Djelfa province, according to Cuba's Foreign Ministry (MinRex). The Wali highlighted during her visit "Ché's continuing presence" on a village and also a street bearing "the name of the heroic guerrilla fighter". Cuba is well known to keep providing for more than 40 years education and training to Polisario guerrillas and maintaining close cooperation with Algeria in support of their military effort.
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Re: Re:Hezbollah on the US Southern Border?

28 Jan 2011 00:53
Not long after Aleida Guevara's visit to Southern Lebanon and her meeting with Sheikh Naim Kassem as a spokesperson of the Cuban Government, Hezbollah has finally taken the reins of power in Beirut.

Hezbollah is openly supported by the Iranian government at a time that President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders are actively penetrating Latin America through the open door of Chavez's Venezuela. Making inroads into the Spanish speaking communities in the United States and in some Latin American countries is the Iranian government's heavily-funded free cable TV news programs being aired in many cities of the American Continent. This is part of fast-tracked implementation of Ahmadinejad’s agenda to make Latin America the top foreign policy priority of Iran.

In 2008, the Bush Administration's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace, warned members of the Senate Armed Services Committee that members of radical Islamic groups were active in South America recruiting and training terrorists.

According to a report written by the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) in the United States, Colombian drug kingpins use the same transshipment techniques in Africa that they've successfully used in Latin America. The Colombian traffickers' utilized al-Qaeda's protection services in order to make certain shipments arrive at their destinations. DEA officials report that in this case they were able to infiltrate the drug operation during the negotiations phase. The undercover DEA agents and informants posed as associates of the Colombia terrorist group FARC and alleged they could protect the shipment from West Africa to North Africa and ultimately to Spain.

Today, Hezbollah-sponsoring Iran is increasing its presence in Latin America, and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, is making inroads in drug trafficking in Colombia, according to American Forces Press Service's spokesperson Donna Miles.

Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis told the House Armed Services Committee that he shares the concerns of Defense Secretary Robert Gates about Iranian activity in Central and South America. Few people know that Iran has opened six embassies in the region during the past five years and is actively promoting Islamic activities and culture in the region.
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