US 2018 Midterm Elections: Senate Races to Watch Right Now

Democrats need to control more than 50 seats to win the Senate.

But they’re playing defense in several states, and have only a handful of opportunities to win a Republican-held seat among the 13 competitive Senate elections, according to race ratings provided by the Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan election handicapper. In fact, they may end-up loosing one seat if they are not able to win in North Dakota and Florida, even if they win in Arizona.

Washington DC, Oct.22.– For a moment in September, it seemed Democrats had an opportunity to defy a deeply challenging map and regain control of the Senate. But the bruising fight over whether to confirm Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh appears to have jolted Republican voters who had been less enthusiastic than Democrats about the midterm elections. The Supreme Court clash seems to have nationalized many Senate races.

With Election Day around the corner, higher Republican intensity has created difficulties for Democrats because of where the battle for the Senate is taking place. Of the 13 most competitive races, 10 are in states President Trump carried.

Democratic senators like Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Joe Donnelly of Indiana — who are all running in states Mr. Trump won by double digits — have come under attack for their opposition to Justice Kavanaugh. Each has been eager to change the subject, but they are widely seen by officials in both parties as the most vulnerable incumbent Democrats.

Also thought to be vulnerable is Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, a Democrat who is facing Gov. Rick Scott ...

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