Judicial Watch wins Federal lawsuit against the State of California and Los Angeles County

The State and County must remove 1.5 million illegal voters from voter rolls

 Los Angeles, Dec. 4 (DP.net).– Judicial Watch announced yesterday that it had reached a settlement with the State of California and Los Angeles County that requires them to remove 1.5 million inactive voters from their voter registration rolls, as required under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Judicial Watch filed its voter-rolls lawsuit in December 2017. They argued successfully that Los Angeles County has more voter registrations on its voter rolls than it has citizens who are old enough to register. Specifically, according to data provided to and published by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Los Angeles County has a registration rate of 112% of its adult citizen population. The entire State of California has a registration rate of about 101% of its age-eligible citizenry. Eleven of California’s 58 counties have registration rates exceeding 100% of the age-eligible citizenry.

Democrats won big in LA County and in the whole State of California in 2016 and 2018 elections.

Washington DC, Dec. 3 (Judicial Watch).– Judicial Watch announced today that it signed a settlement agreement with the State of California and County of Los Angeles under which they will begin the process of removing from their voter registration rolls as many as 1.5 million inactive registered names that may be invalid. These removals are required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Judicial Watch filed a 2017 federal lawsuit to force the cleanup of voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was also joined by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

The Judicial Watch lawsuit also uncovered that neither the State of California nor Los Angeles County had been removing inactive voters from the voter registration rolls for the past 20 years ...

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