Donald Trump's astounding electoral victory

Republicans keep control of the Senate and Congress

Trump wins over Clinton

Philadephia, Nov.9 (─ A surprising and unexpected victory in Pennsylvania gave Donald Trump the majority needed in the USA electoral college. The President elect won the popular vote as well for quite more than a million votes.

According to latest projections at 1:15 am, Trump could top 300 electoral votes, plenty of cushion to become the next President of the United States. More conservative estimates gives him 280+ electoral votes.

Republicnas kept a narrow majority margin in the Senate and a wide majority in Congress. At this time they are expected to win at least 235 seats in the House of Representatives, well above the 218 required for a majority.

Though media attention on the race has focused on just two candidates, there are more. In Florida, results reported by the state’s board of election show that more than 290,000 votes went to third-party candidates.

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