We must act with all means available in defense of human rights

  • Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas
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We must act with all means available in defense of human rights

20 Sep 2019 21:55 - 20 Sep 2019 22:40
Human rights are being violated at this very moment in virtually all parts of the world, particularly in many countries where such violations are guaranteed by laws that allow or even encourage them for the purpose of consolidating and perpetuating dictatorial governments.
Elsewhere there are laws condemning these violations and punishing them, allowing victims a legal defense that allows them to get rid of abuse. However, even where a rule of law appears to prevail, national security arguments are made to apply cruel methods that do not correspond to any civilized country or to any decent and fair society.

That is the sad truth we are facing today in this World, but remember that important changes in the planet often hinge on the actions of ordinary people. This is our World, and we are responsible! We have a human duty to provide all our material, intellectual and moral support to the many international and national institutions, both public and private, that confront and fight these abuses hard and efficiently through legal and other means.

Regrettably, some abused people and prisoners of conscience don't make it. Some die from torture or other ill treatment. Others literally rot in dungeons for years and even decades without anyone remembering them.

Those responsible for these crimes must not have anywhere to hide! They are dangerous enemies of humanity and must be persecuted and punished by any means available to the international community and to those countries still retaining a democratic system that respects the rule of law.

Many of those of us who here write or read these messages are privileged people who have not experienced the kinds of atrocities described by human rights institutions and organizations. Nevertheless, for millions upon millions of people around the world ... life is far different, especially if you are a person who exercises the voice of your conscience to oppose an oppressive government or stand up for your beliefs.

I am sure that most readers and contributors in these WEB pages have a strong sense of right and wrong. And even though an injustice thousands of miles away from our home does not affect us physically, it does make us feel angry and frustrated.

But just feeling angry and frustrated is not enough. Defense of human rights can succeed if the proper efforts are made. This is an international problem that requires international intervention. We cannot settle for defending only our own, forgetting the tragedies that crush the freedom and dignity of others. We are all citizens of the same suffering world! We must act with all means available to us. We are responsible!

[ Visit our human rights pages and contribute with your views and opinions ]
Last edit: 20 Sep 2019 22:40 by Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas.
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Re: We must act with all means available in defense of human rights

02 Dec 2022 20:02 - 02 Dec 2022 20:11
The law and constitutional guarantees in any democratic country that offers legal support to those advocating respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and their application cannot be marginalized, ignored, or annulled under the pretext of defending national security, because sovereignty does not lie in the State but in the citizens who demand those rights and freedoms. These principles are adulterated in countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Russia, or China, but in democratic countries, their respect must be imposed at all costs.

It is unfortunate that we are witnessing in the United States a process of increasing State surveillance and control over its citizens, most of whom have been convinced that it is acceptable and highly desirable to give up some of their fundamental freedoms in exchange for greater security.

This population control process is redounding with impunity in markedly authoritarian procedures that ignore the law and many constitutional guarantees under the pretext of applying them to guarantee national security as perceived by the authorities of multiple organizations that duplicate and even exceed the power that was traditionally reserved for a few intelligence and investigative agencies.

We are referring to no less than 9 departmental organizations established in the last decades (called "agencies" in the US) that compete and even impose their authority over the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, and the military intelligence organizations of each of the five branches of the armed forces. These are:
  1.     Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  2.     National Security Agency (NSA)
  3.     Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
  4.     Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation (under the authority of the Department of State)
  5.     Office of Intelligence and Analysis (under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, created on 9/11)
  6.     Office of Intelligence and Analysis (under the authority of the Treasury Department)
  7.     Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (under the authority of the Department of Energy)
  8.     National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  9.     National Recognition Office (NRO)
Apart from the huge bureaucracy that works in the 3 traditional agencies and in the military intelligence centers of the 5 branches of the armed forces, another huge bureaucracy has recently been added with nine more agencies (listed above) that overwhelm citizens with power that allow them to apply measures outside the law and the US Constitution.

It is notable that the Department of Justice's shield (seal) proclaims the motto "Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur" (Who prosecutes for Lady Justice) and that Lady Justice has been represented through the centuries with paintings and statues of a lady holding scales and blindfolded. In other words, it means that justice is blind, so as not to distinguish between one and the other, and fair to apply its rulings equally.
The problem is complicated when a large sector of the population and the press justify this abuse out of partisan loyalty. They fail to realize the pressing danger of having a surveillance system that, while politically neutral, is not because it is controlled by the multitude of officials and national security agents and their Justice Department cousins, all of whom are arrogating the power to act as if they were a duplicate State. Worse still, it is important to also understand that if we allow the large and complicated "security system" to take that panopticon [method or system of seeing and controlling an entire group from a single point] to make available the infinity of information data (even violating the right to privacy) to an Executive Branch willing to wield it as a repressive weapon against those who qualify as political enemies, then we have a terrifying problem on our hands.
Last edit: 02 Dec 2022 20:11 by Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas.
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Re: We must act with all means available in defense of human rights

02 Dec 2022 22:22
Well said my friend, we here are really privileged, but for how long.? If we keep allowing globalism to become the "new world order" and the "great reset" we are literally screwed, including those Human Rights because the non elected globalist leader, Klaus Schwab and his WEF organization's already famous motto, "You will own nothing and you'll be happy" will take care of those "rights". 

Good luck.
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