Trump's Cabinet - Confirmed & Hopefuls

New York, Nov.27 (─ It is really exceptional the expectation of the general American public to learn how the President elect choses his new Cabinet. Surprises abound, and here is no shortage of criticism.

Some future members of the Trump team do not require US Senate confirmation, such as: Reince Priebus

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Reince Priebus ─ The Chairman of the Republican National Committee was selected to oversee the White House staff and help set the president's schedule.

CHIEF STRATEGIST: Trump named his former campaign CEO Stephen Bannon as his top aide and suggested he will work hand-in-hand with Priebus.  Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, whom Trump reportedly considered for his running mate, will advise the president on matters of national security.

In addition, Trump has nominated the following members of his future Cabinet, but they need to be confirmed by the US Senate:

ATTORNEY GENERAL: U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), a former federal prosecutor and state attorney general in his home state, was nominated to become the nation's leading law enforcement officer.  Betsy DeVos

SECRETARY OF EDUCATION: Betsy DeVos, a philanthropist and Republican donor, was picked to oversee the nation's education system. She is a major advocate for school choice, which allows parents either to receive taxpayer money for children to attend private and parochial schools, or for them to attend publicly funded but privately run charter schools.

CIA DIRECTOR: U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was selected to run the country's intelligence agency.

Donald Trump is considering the following candidates for nomination:

SECRETARY OF COMMERCE: Trump is expected to nominate Wilbur Ross, a billionaire investor and Weehawken native, to run the commerce department, according to reports. As secretary, Ross would help promote American business and oversee trade. The owner of the Chicago Cubs, Todd Ricketts, is being considered to be Ross deputy. Rudolf Giuliani

SECRETARY OF STATE: While former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is reportedly being rejected as a candidate by top members of the Republican Party, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is reportedly a vary strong contender for this post. Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton and U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) are being considered too.

SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: Former Mayor Giuliani is also being considered for this post. If he were selected as Secretary of State, some sources say that Charlie Christie is also a contgender for this post. As is Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

SECRETARY OF HOUSING: Trump has reportedly asked retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson to run the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD). Carson declared that he is seriously considering the offer.

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Among the names reportedly being considered are U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), a former Army officer and retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis.

SECRETARY OF TREASURY: Billionaire investor Tom Barrack and former banking executive Steve Mnuchin, Trump's campaign finance chairman, are the most likely candidates.

SECRETARY OF ENERGY: Some source say Christie is also a contender to run the Energy department. Also reportedly in contention are billionaire oil executive Harold Hamm and Robert E. Grady, of Gryphon Investors.

SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin; former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer; and Forrest Lucas, president of Lucas Oil Products; are in contention to run the Interior department, which manages the nation's parks and other public land and water.

SECRETARY OF HEALTH: Among those reportedly being considered to become the nation's top health official are a pair of Trump's ex-rivals for the 2016 GOP nomination: former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabe and former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

There are no known favorites yet as secretaries of Labor, National Intelligence, Veteran Affairs, and as director of the Environment Protection Agency.

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