Social Democrats (HLAS) may gain sits in Slovakia's Parliament while Christian Democrats and the far right would not make it into Parliament

  • The second block in Parliament would be the Freedom & Solidarity (SaS) party.
  • Parliamentary seats would also be given to Smer with 8.5 percent, Progressive Slovakia with 7.2 percent, Za Ľudí with 5.4 percent, and Sme Rodina with 5.1 percent.  Peter Pellegrini

Feb.17.– If the general election had taken place in early February, the far-right Kotlebovci – People’s Party Our Slovakia (ĽSNS) would not make it to parliament.

Following the recent split and the departure of several well-known faces, the party led by Marian Kotleba, who is awaiting a prison sentence for handing over controversial cheques featuring Nazi symbolism, would be supported by only 3.8 percent of voters.

This stems from a poll carried out by the AKO agency between February 8 and 11 on 1,000 respondents.

In the previous polls, the party oscillated between 5 and 9 percent. In the AKO poll from December 2020, it was supported by 5.4 percent of respondents.

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