After a drawn-out selection process, Kamala Harris will become the first woman ever named as a Vicepresidential candidate at anyone of the two major
Party tickets in the United States. The daughter of two immigrants, Harris ran for president last year, notably tweaking Joe Biden on the debate stage before dropping out for lack of funding. As a matter of fact, Sen. Harris never got more than 12% of voter's preference during the Democratic primaries and sometimes finished even behind other less prominent candidates.The team will be formally nominated at the Party convention next week. Her new role at the forefront of the Party means that Harris, now 55, would be well-placed for a future presidential run, either if winner or loser.
The California Democrat was born in Oakland, California, to two immigrant parents: an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father. After her parents' divorce, Ms Harris was raised primarily by her Hindu single mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a cancer researcher and civil rights activist. She grew up engaged with her Indian heritage, joining her mother on visits to India, but Ms Harris has said that her mother adopted Oakland's black culture, immersing her two daughters –Kamala and her younger sister Maya– within it.
Kamala Harris pitched herself as a history-making candidate who could appeal to both progressives and moderates. Rather than trying to upend the economy, her avowed policies sought incremental, targeted results, particularly focusing on historically marginalized groups like women, people of color and low-income Americans. During the primaries, her sharp debate skills and affable personality made her a top-tier contender in the early stages of the primary race. But her oscillations between policy positions resulted in damaging news cycles, forcing her to drop out of the race. Among some other hesitations at the primaries' debates, Harris originally supported Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for All" bill but announced in August 2019 she was "not comfortable" with it.
She was the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017 and San Francisco District Attorney from 2004 to 2011. She has described herself as a “progressive prosecutor” during her time as a District Attorney and Attorney General in California, but while serving as San Francisco's District Attorney, she supported a city policy that turned immigrant minors without authorization to live in the US over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). However, she supports the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects young people who come to the US illegally as children, and has introduced legislation to increase oversight at immigrant detention centers and end the construction of new facilities.
Harris was a leader in the junta of Democratic state attorneys general that attempted to criminalize dissent in the matter of global warming, using her office’s investigatory powers to target and harass non-profit policy groups while she and her counterpart in New York attempted to shake down Exxon on fraud cases. Until she was stopped by a federal court, Harris was laying subpoenas on organizations such as the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a conservative-leaning group that is critical of Democratic global-warming proposals. At approximately the same time, the IRS was being weaponized to harass and disadvantage right-leaning nonprofits and policy organizations; for example, leaking the confidential tax information of the National Organization for Marriage as an act of political retaliation, an offense for which the IRS was obliged to pay a substantial compensation through a settlement. Harris demanded private information from organizations that were not legally obliged to disclose, including financial information and donor lists, in order to be able to subject the supporters of right-leaning groups to legal and financial harassment. This was, as a federal judge confirmed, an obvious and unquestionable violation of the First Amendment.
In February 2019, Harris signed on to the Green New Deal resolution, which hopes to transition the US to 100% clean and renewable energy in 10 years, and in September, Harris laid out her climate plan to make the US carbon-neutral by 2045, which would cost $10 trillion to implement. She said she'd direct the Department of Justice to prosecute fossil-fuel companies. She supports a tax on carbon and suggested she'd allow states to decide whether they use nuclear energy.
Most Democratic Party activists consider Senator Harris to be an asset for Biden to win the November elections.