Revocation of mandate, with or without regulatory law: López Obrador

Mexico City, Aug. 6.– The Reglamentary rule that will establish the protocol to perform a citizenPresidente López Obrador, de México consultation for revocation of mandate will be approved in the next few days, announced the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. INE will budget resources for revocation of mandate and another popular consultation

At a press conference, he opened the door so that, if the Reglamentary rule cannot be applied retroactively, even so, he will push the application of the mandate revocation query in March 2021.

“Is the regulatory law missing? Well, that is going to be approved and moving forward. I am going to promote it and it is not a legal matter, it is a political matter and above all a moral one … it is not a legal matter, if it is retroactive, if not it is retroactive. If people say that I leave, whether the law is retroactive or not, I am leaving. Whether it is retroactive or not, I am leaving," said the head of the Executive Branch.

He said that the argument of the INE counselors about the fact that the mandate revocation consultation cannot be carried out in March of next year ...

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