We the People.

  • Francisco Porto
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We the People.

20 Jun 2012 15:44
Sometimes you have the feeling that you are alone in a changing world, and that you have become too old-fashioned to understand the new trends in society. It seems like Moral Principles are not the same for the vast majority anymore. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at what the People says:

1.- Thirty states have passed constitutional amendments banning same sex marriage – and some of those states are solidly Democratic, like Oregon, California and Maine.
2.-Dwight McKissic:“President Obama has betrayed the Bible and the Black Church with his endorsement of same-sex marriage. The Bible is crystal clear on this subject, and the Black Church strongly opposes same-sex marriage. His endorsement is an inadvertent attack on the Christian Faith. America is now a candidate for the same judgment received by Sodom and Gomorrah. This was a sad, sad day and a very bad decision, by our beloved President...”
(Dwight McKissic is pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas; and one of the most prominent black pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention)
3.- With gay marriage being put on the ballot in at least five states, Pope Benedict XVI warned bishops visiting from the United States of "powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage," Benedict XVI did acknowledge that for many young people today, the church's position on marriage and sex can seem "countercultural," but told the bishops that marriage and family should be "defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature. ... Sexual differences cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to the definition of marriage."
4.- Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan is charging President Barack Obama with undermining the “very cornerstone of society” by supporting “gay marriage.” Cardinal Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, described the president’s endorsement as “deeply saddening.” The bishops “cannot be silent in the face of words or actions that would undermine the institution of marriage, the very cornerstone of our society,” he said in a May 9 statement. “The people of this country, especially our children, deserve better.”
Cardinal Dolan said that the announcement was “not surprising” based on the Obama administration’s previous actions, which “erode or ignore the unique meaning of marriage.”He called for prayer and efforts to “promote and protect marriage” in order to “serve the true good of all persons.”
5.- Dr. Aslam Abdullah writes:
Unwin, a sociologist at Cambridge University, published “Sex and Culture” in 1934. He studied 86 societies and found no exceptions to the rule that the cultures flourished during eras that valued sexual fidelity and discipline. He demonstrated through empirical data that whenever sexual mores loosened, the societies declined, and whenever they followed rigid sexual discipline they rose again.
In our recent history, the fall of the Soviet society offers a recent example where Vladimir Lenin espoused a “glass of water” theory about sex, explaining that sexual desire is just like desire for food or water. The theory collapsed, and with it collapsed the Soviet society.
However, new interpretations are being offered to explain the Freudian ideas. Barbara Ehrenreich, a widely read and award-winning author of 21 books, wrote not very long ago that sex, preferably among affectionate and consenting adults, belongs squarely in the realm of play. This “de-moralization” of sex is promoting a new sexual ethics that legitimizes and justifies everything in the name of pleasure and freedom.
What was presented as his personal opinion by President Barack Obama about same-sex marriage is an effort to legitimize the de-moralization of sex to develop a new culture where every sexual activity is fine as long as individuals engaged in the act have their consent and pleasure.
His perspective is based on a world view, a world view that Islam does not share. Islam regards physical intimacy as an act of responsibility between a man and woman within the confines of contractual marriage. Islam, on the basis of its value system, takes a strong stand on pre-marital and post-marital physical relations as well as on physical relations between people of the same gender. Islam calls for sexual discipline in society and recommends restrictions in sexual behavior to help people channel their energy in matters that are fundamental in preserving the interests of people.
Marriage is an institution promoted and protected by all religions. Islam recognizes it as part of the revealed knowledge, a knowledge that is given by the divine to help human beings find their way to a better life in this as well as in the hereafter. Obviously, those who do not believe in the idea of divine revelation would find it hard to accept this notion. But this is what Islam expects its adherents to accept.

(Dr. Aslam Abdullah . Director of the Islamic Society of Nevada and the Muslim Electorates Council of America.)
6.-A Pew Research Center survey in April 2012 found that only 39 percent of African Americans are in favor of “gay marriage.”
7.- US President Barack Obama's surprise support for of same-sex marriage has sparked criticism from Muslims inside the United States and abroad, describing the practice as contradicting with all religions. "As Muslims, we are against gay marriage," Dr. Syed Haque, president of the Frederick County Muslim Council,
8.-European Catholic leaders are reaching out to other spiritual leaders, including those of the Muslim and Jewish faiths, to possibly form an alliance against the proliferation of same-sex marriage.
9.-The Scottish Government’s consultation on redefining marriage has revealed widespread opposition to the plans, according to media reports. It is reported that around 70,000 individuals responded to the consultation – making it the biggest ever response since devolution.
About 50,000 of the respondents are understood to be opposed to changing the definition of marriage, winning the consultation battle by more than 2:1. The campaign to keep marriage between one man and one woman is being led by umbrella group Scotland for Marriage.
A spokesman said: “It’s hoped the Scottish Government will take account of the breadth, depth and determination of the vast majority of respondents who made clear their view that marriage should not be redefined.” “It would be an abandonment of every principle of justice to ignore such a majority.”, he added.
10.- Men and women are different physically, mentally, and spiritually. They are, in all respects, complementary, both designed and suited for the task of begetting and raising children over a sustained period. Marriage is the legal recognition of this, and without the physical consummation of marriage, where that complementarity is most fully expressed, a marriage is voidable under English law. (Catholic Bishops of England and Wales)

No, we are not alone in this predicament. Let's then defend Marriage and Family, the basic cell of our society now and in the future.
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