Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

  • Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas
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Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

01 Jan 2022 00:03 - 01 Jan 2022 00:14
Ray Epps is a man who, more than any other individual, appears to be the key to unlocking the question of probable active federal involvement in the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6th.

He is seen on camera plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January 6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit a growing number of followers to join him in breaching the Capitol. On top of it all, Epps was seen leading violent cadres and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.
Newly released videos show Epps following through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside the Capitol. He actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech.

It is quite significant that the FBI originally put Ray Epps’s face on its Capitol Violence “Most Wanted List” on January 8, 2021, just two days after Jan.6. They offered a cash reward for information leading to his arrest. In fact, rank-and-file FBI agents initially deemed Epps’s role as an apparent riot organizer so important that they named him Suspect #16—one of the first 20 high-profile FBI targets in a database now packed with more than 500 suspects.

Six months later, when The New York Times and other media published inconvenient stories that encouraged a more aggressive interrogation about the role of Ray Epps in the Capitol breach, the FBI quietly purged all online Ray Epps files from their website. Furthermore, agents of the FBI Field Office in Phoenix (where Epps lives) have gone so far as to explicitly deny knowledge that Ray Epps even exists. Instead of pursuing Epps, FBI agents have instead pursued journalists who had the temerity to interview and ask Epps in person if he was a government operative.

Some 700 people have been arrested for their part in the Jan. 6 demonstration. Some are kept practically incommunicado. But Epps and a handful of other major players in that drama remain unindicted. Indeed, although the FBI surely knows their identity, they remain nameless to the public, known only through amateur video footage of the event.

Some of these nameless instigators are clearly seen in recently released amateur videos how they calmly removed fences and signage on Jan. 6, clearing a path for the protestors, who were carefully funneled through that one walkway up to the Capitol.
"Okay, we’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now!”, shouted the man known as “Scaffold Commander,” so called because he was perched, megaphone in hand, atop a tall tower overlooking the Capitol complex. But he has not been indicted!

The official story, you will recall, says that the "Proud Boys" group caused the riot. But they didn’t! They were not the instigators. 

Beyond what is mentioned here is the guy who allegedly placed pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC HQs during the Capitol rally. There is full video surveillance of the guy, but NO ID?????? This same guy is also seen on video, sitting in a local park, talking on his cellphone. Now, the FBI was able to go after people who were in D.C. that day –not at the rally, not at the Capitol– but in a local restaurant, just eating. The FBI was able to pull records of everyone in that town that day, yet they can’t locate nor ID this perp?!

No one can assert with certainty until a proper investigation goes through –if ever– that the agent provocateurs who organized and orchestrated the breach of the Capitol did so at the instigation of federal authorities. But it sure looks that way!

On the other hand, one wonders why none of the 700 detainees have been charged with "insurrection", considering the public outcry of the present government of an aggressive "insurrection" on January 6. Furthermore, while most have been charged only with misdemeanors, all of them have been denied bond! Can it be considered typical of a democratic system where the rule of law prevails to detain for a whole year people who are presumed innocent until they are tried? What happened to the writ of habeas corpus? Is it no longer valid in the present Administration?
Last edit: 01 Jan 2022 00:14 by Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas.
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Re: Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

15 Jan 2022 15:42 - 15 Jan 2022 15:45
Whether we are Democrats, Republicans or Independents, and whether we sympathize with Senator Ted Cruz or not, we must acknowledge that he asked some pertinent questions to the senior FBI official who appeared as witness before the Senate Committee in recent days. It was her duty to answer his questions, but she simply repeated that she could not answer them! Most importantly and also most seriously, she couldn't say no about the FBI's responsibility for the activities that prompted a group of protesters on January 6, 2021, to invade the Capitol grounds. She couldn't say no about Ray Epps' role in that covert strategy that sparked what the Department of Justice now insists on calling an "insurrection,"  despite the fact that there were no fires, no violence against law enforcement officers, no burned patrol cars, but a protest that these agents provocateurs turned into a crime of violent trespassing, No more.
Last edit: 15 Jan 2022 15:45 by Gerardo E. Martínez-Solanas.
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Re: Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

16 Jan 2022 18:35 - 16 Jan 2022 18:38
Como sugiere "A concerned American" (¿por qué no identificarse; ¡este foro es un espacio libre!) el debate sobre estos hechos no debe tener una veta política sino concentrarse en la aplicación de la justicia.  También es importante cuando hablamos de justicia ejercer la mayor imparcialidad posible. No cabe duda que se cometieron diversos delitos por parte de muchos que penetraron al Capitolio de Washington DC (no todos) y que es muy importante castigarlos con todo el peso de la ley. Por otra parte, se están cometiendo injusticias con algunos de los acusados, sobre todo al mantener a varios de ellos incomunicados por largos períodos cuando sólo están detenidos y no presos, porque no se les había celebrado juicio todavía. En todo caso, es importante que a todos los acusados se les reconozca que son inocentes hasta que –mediante un juicio con todas las garantías procesales– se les pruebe lo contrario. También ha habido falta de transparencia en todo esto, porque las autoridades han ocultado videos que daban otra imagen de los hechos y que podrían servir para que muchos de los acusados probaran su inocencia (no todos). Uno de esos videos puede verse aquí: 

Hay muchos otros videos como este que ahora se están revelando (¡más de un año después!) que matizan los acontecimientos del 6 de enero y que corresponde al Departamento de Justicia estudiarlos para determinar quienes violaron la ley y el grado de responsabilidad de cada uno.
Last edit: 16 Jan 2022 18:38 by Democracia Participativa.
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Re: Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

16 Jan 2022 19:06
La verdad acaba por prevalecer. Tarde o temprano sabremos todos los detalles, tendremos a mano todos los testimonios y videos. Pero la verdad tarda muchas veces demasiado en revelarse a costa del sufrimiento de quienes han sido castigados por la mentira. Es una situación muy jodida, cuando son tantos los que están dispuestos a condenar sin base y a darle más leñá al fuego. Donde ha quedado el respeto por la ley y el orden? Por que hay tanta permisividad con unos y tanto espíritu de venganza con otros?
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Re: Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

16 Jan 2022 19:30
With all due respect for Democracia Participativa, indeed I don't want the FBI knocking on my door and ruining my home's peace and quiet because they didn't like what I said.
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Re: Was Ray Epps an agent provocateur? Another covert truth is revealed about the Jan.6 rally

17 Jan 2022 23:39 - 17 Jan 2022 23:40
¿Cuál verdad acaba por prevalecer?!!!! En la prensa, desde el gobierno, en la TV, siguen diciendo y repitiendo que fue terrorismo, que fue una agresión violenta a la policía del capitolio, que fue insurrección o que fue sedición... etc., etc., etc. Y que se pudran en la cárcel y se les culpe a largos años de prisión!!!

Vaya justicia!!! pueden ver la lista de cargos y fallos (la gran mayoría de los fallos son "Not Guilty"). Pueden buscarlos al pie de esta página: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal...tates_Capitol_attack .

En todos los casos los cargos se limitan a "Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Parading in the Capitol Building; Picketing in a Capitol Building; Conspiracy to Obstruct An Official Proceeding; Threats through an Interstate Communication; Entering restricted Building or Grounds; Assaulting Certain Officers (este último se refiere a unos pocos que violentamente se enfrentaron a golpes con algunos policías que los empujaban).

En toda esa lista de acusados, cargos y fallos, no aparecen ni Ray Epps, ni el "Scaffold Commander, ni el policía que ajustició de un tiro a la veterana del ejército que trataba de penetrar por una ventana. ¡Habrase visto! Los otros son condenados por el gobierno y la prensa antes de ser juzgados y encerrados por largos meses antes de tener una audiencia, mientras que estos siguen impunes.
Last edit: 17 Jan 2022 23:40 by Democracia Participativa.
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