The Leader of the Woke World

  • Chilton Williamson Jr.
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The Leader of the Woke World

08 Feb 2021 23:02
A couple of weeks ago Alistair Heath, the half-French English journalist who edits the Sunday edition of the Daily Telegraph, published a column in which he took note of an alarming trend away from basic liberties in American society and expressed concern for the future of the United States as a free and democratic society. A day or so one side or the other of Mr. Heath’s column the Jewish, Algerian-born French columnist and author Éric Zemmour predicted that Vice-President Kamala Harris represents the growing movement in America toward the replacement of a white, heterosexual, male culture with a nonwhite, female, homosexual, and transgendered one. No other  country  in the world, Zemmour wrote, demonstrates so clearly as does the U. S. the truth of the historical maxim that “demography is destiny.” No American reader–Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative—needs to hear any of this, of course. It is simply the plain truth that Americans wake up to every day. What is significant, and significantly important, is that terrible things are happening in the United States today; that friends and allies in the West are taking notice; and that, if our friends and allies are doing so, America’s enemies—China, Russia,  Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and the rest–are as well. 

The fact is that none of these things is attributable to Donald Trump, but rather to the people and interests in this country that the former President stood up to and defended the country against. The new administration in Washington and it supporters are likely to be unconcerned at first with the revised perception with which foreign countries and governments  view the United States and her probable future. They will be too pre-occupied with the “new day” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is heralding for America under a progressive regime, and with their ambitions for it. They may even, in the glow of their triumph following last year’s elections, imagine that the U.S. will be as warmly welcomed internationally as the Beacon of Progressivism as she was in her former role as the Beacon of Democracy–that she will be accepted as the Leader of the Woke World as she was of the so-called Free one.

That, however, is certainly not going to happen. Woke America is only two plainly a version of the Unfree World that includes most of the globe—multi-racial and multicultural; weakened by racial and ethnic rivalries (many if not most of them violent ones); socialistic; riven by wide economic and social disparities; ridden by autocratic governments that rely on military and constabulary force for their survival; progressively compromised by deficit, debt, and inflation; and fatally misgoverned by a faux élite—a shit elit—that is academically credentialed but wholly devoid of wisdom, or even the awareness that any such thing exists, and that has complicated the world far beyond the point of intellectual comprehensibility, and hence of manageability. Finally, the ideology of Wokeness, added to identity politics and an obsession with complete human equality in everything, has caused a substantial portion of the country, distracted by false issues and trivialities, to lose their sense of what really matters in politics–of which issues in every society are properly the subject of political activity, and which are not. Without that discriminating sense, government succumbs either to anarchy or tyranny. In 2021 as for some years now, it is unclear which of these two things the majority of the American public would actually prefer.

The election last year of an elderly and mentally absent white man, and a resentful woman of color with aggressive ideological obsessions  and a corresponding agenda, to lead the United States should not—and probably won’t—be an inspiring example to a world more than half, if not three-quarters, of which arrived long ago at the destination toward with America is heading. 

Meanwhile, I am anticipating with interest the first meeting between Presidents Xi and Biden—only the most formal and electronically cued moments of which, I suspect, will be recorded and broadcast by the American media, which have Their Man in the White House to protect; from himself and from the voters who did, and did not, mark their ballot for him. As for Xi, he will—I suspect further—come away from the encounter as much bemused as he will be gratified and assured by his spectral new opponent in the Oval Office.
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