Kenya's Supreme Court makes history: Third country in the world and first in Africa to annul a presidential election

Other countries that have had presidential elections nullified are Austria and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Austria is part of the European Union. Ukraine’s Supreme Court annulled in November 2004 the election of the Prime Minister. The judges ruled that the Central Election Commission acted improperly by declaring the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich the winner, and ordered a run-off.  

 Nairobi, Sept.2.– Kenya on Friday made history in the electoral sphere as the only third country to have a presidential election nullified by the courts.

In Africa, the Supreme Court ruling declaring President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election null and void was the first of its kind.

Poll tainted The Maldives, a South Asian island nation in the Indian Ocean of less than 500,000 inhabitants had its presidential election nullified when four judges of a seven-member Supreme Court ruled that the election of September 7, 2013, was too tainted to determine the winner ...

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